Our new project PunjabTronix brought together some of the finest musicians from the Punjab with established UK DJ and Producer, DJ Swami, and toured to 7 different UK venues in July 2017, including London’s Rich Mix and Bristol’s Arnolfini.
Through Storify we bring you some highlights from the special debut UK tour along with your experiences and words of support.
Check out the GO SOLO series of films
During the UK tour we spent a day filming with Canvas Arts at their studios in London. Every week the GO SOLO video series has been zoning in on each artist and highlighting their special talents.
PunjabTronix featured unique instruments such as the “Algoza”, a double flute and the UK stages shimmered with a bit of the real Punjab. The five artists, you could say, were each like a finger to a hand. Together, they created an unstoppable team!
Get to know Vijay Yamla, Naresh Kukki, Dheera Singh, Gurtej Singh and DJ Swami up close in these five films highlighting their talents.
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